Public Private Partnership in Russia

Важное | Новости | Август 27, 2008, 22:54

Economist Russia PPP Summit 



 Public Private Partnership in Russia

Strategic Management ForumSeptember 5th 2008

Marriott Grand Hotel, Moscow


Russia has signalled a massive expansion in Public Private Partnership.How can investors engage with these new opportunities in transport infrastructure, technology parks, housing and hospitals? The myths around the Russian economy suggest there could be some unpleasant surprises ahead for the unwary. It is the well-informed who will make the right choices, limit their downside risk, and emerge as the beneficiaries of this latest push forward.


What will the PPP rules look like? How will different regulatory systems be reconciled? Will Russia imitate other PPP schemes, or create its own structures and processes? And what guarantees will be on offer to those who commit themselves to projects?


The knowledge you need to make the right decisions is dispersed and often difficult to interpret. That’s why we’ve brought all that knowledge together and gathered the people who can best articulate it in a unique, highly time-efficient event.


The best way to grasp the Russian opportunity


We have designed this Strategic Management Forum on Public Private Partnership in Russia so that you can meet and debate with the people who are shaping the policy and making the first moves.

Reserve your place at this exclusive, high-level event and save €100 as a member of InfraNews



Our speakers include government officials as well as representatives from financial institutions, advisory firms and contractors active in Russia. They will be taking your questions, sharing their perspectives and debating the key issues with you in a facilitated, off-the-record setting.


Why you should attend

 l        Get up to date with the very latest views, analysis and inside information on the PPP revolution

l        Meet and debate with leaders from government and business – the people who are shaping the future of Russia

l        Update your strategy with the highest quality information and world-class, objective debate – in an exclusive event moderated by experts 



See the full event programme for details of the speakers and the topics we will be addressing at .



We know that demand for this event will be high. Make sure you can join us by reserving your place today – or contact Tamara Joseph at or on 43 1 712 14 61 21 for more information. 

Best regards,

Nenad PacekVice-president EMEAEconomist Intelligence Unit 

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