2017 Container Market Report: Rail traffic between China and Europea cross Russia already reached 2% of the Asia-Europe-Asia sea-borne trade
Железная дорога | Исследования | Компании | Контейнеры | Логистика | Новости | Политика | Февраль 28, 2018, 17:50

InfraNews is announcing the release of the Container Market Report 2017.
The report will this year will be focused on the railway segment, which is the most dynamic. The rail turnover of the Russian container market expanded last year by 19% to 3.9 million TEU. Transit volumes soared by 66% to almost 350,000 TEU, in two years the increase was 127%.
INFRANEWS Container Market report will analyse demand and capacity, the structure of the market, offering some most important forecasts.
Besides the railway, it will feature detailed survey of the ports and terminals segment.
Contents 2
List of Tables 4
Railway Segment of the Russian Container Market 5
Transit, Outbound/Inbound, Domestic Trades 5
Special Shipping Containers 12
Financials of the Railway Container Market 13
Railway Tariff Paid 13
Financials of the largest railway companies 22
Terminal capacity: busiest and idler regions 25
Railway container turnover of Kazakhstan 30
Global Market 32
Freight operations by cargo types 33
Chemicals and soda 33
Paper 35
Timber and wood pulp 35
Industrial products 36
Metalware 37
Automotive cargoes 38
Non-Ferrous metals 39
Ferrous metals 39
Food products 40
LPG, lubricants (crude oil, oil derivatives) 41
Fertilizers 42
Construction cargoes 43
Domestic 43
Road container transportation 44
Details of domestic container trade 45
Outbound railway container turnover 50
Transit container transportation 53
Comparatory note on the cost of the ocean and overland routes 60
Outbound railway container traffic 60
Port container turnover 62
Baltic Sea basin 64
Pacific Coast 66
Azov-Black Sea Basin 69
Arctics 70
Caspian Sea Basin 72
Ranking of seaports by container turnover 73
Ranking of stevedores by container turnover 76
Ranking of Russia’s Port Holdings 78
The money of the stevedoring market 80
Financials of the container market 85
List of Illustrations and Diagrams
Fig. 1. Loaded container turnover by trades, TEU, 2015-17 5
Fig. 2. Loaded container turnover in dynamics, thousand TEU, 2015-17 by quarters 6
Fig. 3. Loaded container turnover by trades, in tonnes, 2015-17 6
Fig. 4. Empty container turnover TEU-left, tonnes-right, 2015-17 7
Fig. 5. Container turnover in dynamics by trades, thousand TEU, 2015-17 by quarters 7
Fig. 6. Loaded container turnover by trades in tonne-km, 2015-17 8
Fig. 7. Loaded container turnover by trades in dynamics, by quarters, million tonnes, 2015-17 9
Fig. 8. Dynamics of loaded container turnover by quarters, in billion tonne-km, 2015-17 10
Fig. 9. Special containers’ turnover, loaded, for the last six quarters of 2016-2017, thousand TEU 10
Fig. 10. Rail container turnover, by trades: in 2015 (upper, left), 2016 (upper, right), 2017 (lower) 11
Fig. 11. Special containers’ turnover, empty, for the last six quarters of 2016-2017, thousand TEU 12
Fig. 12. Special containers’ turnover, loaded, for the last six quarters of 2016-2017, thousand tonnes 12
Fig. 13. Shares of special containers in the rail container turnover, H2 2016 (upper, left), H2 2017 (upper, right), 2017 (lower diagram) 13
Fig. 14. The share of empty runs in the total turnover of containers (sum of empty and loaded) for the 12 quarters 2015-17 14
Fig. 15. Shares of loaded and empty containers in units, 12 quarters of 2015-17, million TEU scale 14
Fig. 16. Shares of revenue from loaded and empty traffic in 12 quarters of 2015-17, scale – billion rubles 14
Fig. 17. Shares of loaded and empty containers in weight, 12 quarters of 2015-17, million tonnes scale 15
Fig. 18. Shares of loaded and empty container traffic in tonne-kilometres, 12 quarters of 2015-17, billion tonne-km scale 15
Fig. 19. Shares of loaded containers in units by the type of grouping, 12 quarters of 2015-17, thousand TEU scale 16
Fig. 20. Shares of revenue from loaded containers by types of grouping in 12 quarters of 2015-17, scale in billion rubles 15
Fig. 21. Structure of container traffic by type of grouping in tonne-kilometres in 12 quarters of 2015-17, billion tonne-km scale 16
Fig. 22. Structure of moved container freight in tonnes by type of grouping in 12 quarters of 2015-17, million tonnes scale 16
Fig. 23. Railway tariff paid per tonne-km in kopeks (0.01 rub) by types of grouping, network average 16
Fig. 24. Railway tariff paid per tonne by types of grouping, network average, thousand rubles scale 17
Fig. 25. Railway fitting platform fleets by national railway administrations in 2014-17 18
Fig. 26. Estimated excessive fleet of fitting platforms based on 2008 volumes 19
Fig. 27. New deliveries of fitting platforms (as registered by RZD) and scrapping forecast 19
Fig. 28. Turnaround time for fitting platfor and other types of rolling stock in 2008-2017 21
Fig. 29. Competitors in the market of fitting platform operations 21
Fig. 30. Shares of companies-payers of railway tariff in tonnes, loaded traffic in 2017г, 37.257 million tonnes 24
Fig. 31.. Shares of companies-payers of railway tariff in TEU, loaded traffic in 2017, 2.604 million TEU 24
Fig. 32.. Shares of companies-payers of railway tariff in rubles, loaded traffic in 2017, Rub 58.22 billion 25
Fig. 33. Kazakhstan’s Railway container turnover 2013-17 30
Fig. 34. KTZ’ Turnover of outbound containers by trades in 2013-17 31
Fig. 35. KTZ’ turnover of transit (left) and inbound (right) containers in 2013-17 31
Fig. 36. KTZ’ container turnover by basic geographic routes in 2013-17 32
Fig. 37. Railway transportation of seven largest cargo types in all trades in dynamics for 12 quarters 2015-17 35
Fig. 38. Turnover dynamics of cargo types rating from 8th to 14th by overall volumes across all trades for 12 quarters 2015-17 37
Fig. 39. Turnover dynamics of cargo types ranging from 15th to 21th line of the ranking in all trades for 12 quarters 2015-17 42
Fig. 40. Rough structure of domestic railway container trade in 2017 45
Fig. 41. Structure of loaded domestic container turnover, 2017 46
Fig. 42. Dynamics of volumes of commodity cargoes in domestic trade, loaded, for 12 quarters of 2015-17 (thousand TEU) 47
Fig. 43. Dynamics of volumes of level 2 semi-products in domestic trade, loaded, for 12 quarters of 2015-17 (thousand TEU) 48
Fig. 44. Dynamics of volumes of food semi-products in domestic trade, loaded, for 12 quarters of 2015-17 (thousand TEU) 49
Fig. 45. Structure of railway container inbound traffic 50
Fig. 46. Structure of inbound railway traffic in 2017 52
Fig. 47 . Inbound railway container traffic of industrial cargoes in dynamics, 2015-17 by quarters 52
Fig. 48. Inbound railway container turnover by cargo types by quarters, 2015-17 53
Fig. 49. Volumes of raw materials in inbound traffic in dynamics by quarters 2015-17 54
Fig. 50. Countries generating transit cargo flow across Russia, 2017 56
Fig. 51.. Countries – recipients of the cargoes crossing Russia in transit, 2017 57
Fig. 43. Structure of outbound container traffic in 2017 60
Fig. 53. Structure of outbound container traffic in 2017 61
Fig. 54. The turnover of raw commodities in outbound railway traffic by quarters, 2015-17 61
Fig. 55. Industrial goods turnover in outbound railway traffic by quarters, 2015-17 62
Fig. 56. Shares of the largest stevedores in 2017 78
Fig. 57. The shares of Russia’s largest port holdings in 2017 80
List of Tables
Table 1. Imputed deficit-proficit by types of rolling stock 19
Table 1. Average expenditures of different operators on railway tariff per TEU and per tonne in 2015-17 22
Table 3. Container turnover of the largest railway stations in 2015-17, TEU 25
Table 4. Container turnover of the largest stations of October Railway in 2015-17 (without Khovrino and Tver) 27
Table 5. Container turnover of the largest stations of Moscow Railway in 2015-17 (incl Khovrino and Tver) 28
Table 2. Railway transportation of chemicals and soda in the Russian railway network in 2017 (thousand TEU) 33
Table 3. Railway transportation of paper in the Russian railway network in 2017 (thousand TEU) 35
Table 4. Railway container transportation of timber cargoes in the Russian railway network in 2017 (thousand TEU) 36
Table 5. Railway container transportation of industrial goods in the Russian railway network in 2017 (thousand TEU) 36
Table 6. Railway container transportation of metalware in the Russian railway network in 2017 (thousand TEU) 37
Table 7. Railway container transportation of automotive cargoes in the Russian railway network in 2017 (thousand TEU) 38
Table 8. Railway container transportation of ferrous metals in the Russian railway network in 2017 (thousand TEU) 39
Table 9. Перевозка черных металлов в контейнерах по сети ж/д России в 2017 году (thousand TEU) 39
Table 10. Railway container transportation of food products (except meat, fish, vegetables and fruit) in the Russian railway network in 2017 (thousand TEU) 40
Table 11. Railway container transportation of LPG and lubricants in the Russian railway network in 2017 (thousand TEU) 41
Table 12. Railway container transportation of chemical and mineral fertilizers in 2017 году (thousand TEU) 42
Table 13. Railway container transportation of construction cargoes in the Russian railway network in 2017 (thousand TEU) 43
Table 14. Containerisation in road haulage segment based on the assumption, that road carriers do not move any containers not linked to rail or ports 44
Table 15. Russia’s largest importers by container turnover in TEU among carmakers (million USD – components and parts only) 50
Table 16. Russian sea ports’ container turnover (thousand TEU) 62
Table 17. Container turnover of the Russian ports of the Baltic Sea basin (thousand TEU) 65
Table 18. Container turnover of the Russian ports of the Pacific coast (thousand TEU) 66
Table 19. Container turnover of the ports of the Azov-Black Sea Basin (TEU) 69
Table 20. Container turnover of the ports of the Arctic basin (TEU) 70
Table 21. The container turnover of the Russian ports on the Caspian Sea (TEU) 72
Table 22. Ranking of Russia’s seaports by container turnover (thousand TEU) 73
Table 23. Ranking of stevedores by container turnover in 2017 (thousand TEU) 76
Table 24. Ranking of Russia’s Port Holdings by container turnover in 2017 (thousand TEU) 78
Table 29. Total ports’ revenue from container operations by trades, 2017 80
Table 30. Russian total container turnover in 2017 84
Price – EUR 1,000
Please send a request to info@infranews.ru to order your copy
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